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First gym, then a cake!

Yesterday was my first day at the gym. After a visit with a dietitian, a nutritionist, an endocrinologist and a psychiatric (it was all included) to understand why it was so hard to loose wight for me, the answer was only one: movement, movement, movement. I eat in a very healthy way, varying my diet, taking proteins, carbohydrates,  vitamins and mineral salts.  Once in a while a sweet or a cake, that’s all!

I’m doing exercise bike every day (or almost every day). I put an end to my swimming lessons because it was getting boring, after 3 years, and I’ll go swimming once in a while. What’s left? Gym with friends.

It was 10 years since my last time in the gym. Last time was last millennium. I used to listen to Celine Dion and Boyzone, my beloved actor was Tom Cruise and I used to study Greek and Latin at high school. We used to go to the gym with long tight pants and large, very large T-shirt. Looking at myself into the mirrors I had a terrible
deja vu… I was so out of fashion! With my hair combed in a ponytail I was so similar to an high school student!

Then, the music. I’m so good when I move into my kitchen: bake, whip, blend, stir and smell, I’m harmonious and nice to see. But when I dance, or do gym, or step… oh My! I’m not like Madonna on a dancefloor, not at all! All I was thinking was an old Italian comic duo, Cochi and Renato, have a look here if you wanna have an idea! I DEFINITELY NEED A SLICE OF CAKE, A RICOTTA TART PLEASE!

Ingredients for the short pastry:

  • flour, 300 gr
  • sugar, 150 gr
  • softened butter, 150 gr
  • egg, 1
  • baking powder, 1 teaspoon
  • grated orange peel

Ingredients for the filling:

  • cow ricotta cheese, 250 gr (soft cheese as cottage cheese)
  • icing sugar, 100 gr
  • grated peel of 2 limes
  • juice of 2 limes
  • eggs, 2
  • pine seeds, 50 gr

Making short pastry. Beat the egg in a dish. In a bowl sieve flour and baking powder and make a well. Add softened butter, sugar and orange peel. Then pour in beaten egg. Combine all the ingredients with your hands: the dough will resemble breadcrumbs. Keep on kneading and form a firm ball dough. Wrap in cling film and keep in the fridge for a while.

Making the fillin. Whip eggs, ricotta cheese, sugar, lime peel and lime juice.

Making the tart. Use a large round baking tray and line it with short pastry. Prick tall the surface with a fork and pour in ricotta mixture. Sprinkle with pine seeds. Bake in preheated oven to 180°C for 40 minutes, until it will be firm and deep yellow colored.

Now I’m feeling better, even tough my legs are in pain! Next week will be better!

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Comments (11)

  1. I love ricotta tart. I have the same problem as you…my family and friends keep telling me I should stop eating cookies and cakes. I go to the gym 3 times per week but I hate diets!!!

  2. MMM the addition of pine nuts is brilliant. And as long as you are moving, no reason to cut out the things you love 🙂

  3. @ Flyfra: Missing Italy? =P

    @ Myrtille: I know.. I know… how to loose weight if I keep on cooking? but it’s my passion, it’s part of me, as my soft body! =P

    @ The Duo Dishes: I’ll try to be active as much as I can!!

    @ Kristen: RIGHT!!

  4. This tart looks and sounds absolutely fabulous! I’d love to try it someday. A great alternative to key lime pie or cheesecake.

  5. It is important that everyday has exercise time allocated, even if it is only a few minutes. Simple exercises, such as walking up stairs, can make significant improvements to your health.

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