Butternut Squash and Ricotta Crêpes – Crespelle di zucca 08/01/2025 Autumn, Fresh Pasta, Tuscan Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes, Winter
Pasta e patate – Pasta with potatoes, a dish from the South of Italy 08/01/2024 First course, Pasta, The Most Loved, Vegetarian Recipes
Onion strudel: a recipe from a Mediterranean pantry 18/02/2022 Appetizers, Autumn, Savoury cakes, Vegetarian Recipes, Winter
On being ahead, and a comforting pasta with lentils 07/01/2022 Pasta, Soups, Vegetarian Recipes, Winter
Fried green tomatoes with grapes. Welcome October + links 10/10/2021 Autumn, Side Dishes, Tuscan Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes
Italian rice salad. Welcome September + links 03/09/2021 Rice and other cereals, Summer, Vegetarian Recipes