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Goodbye Kira

I owe her this post. Kira has been part of our family for almost 15 years, now that she’s gone there’s a strange emptiness in the house. She has always been there, waiting for you, looking at you with her hazel eyes, a soft adoring look. She filled the corners of the house and the garden, she filled every corner of our heart. You can see her in the back of most of our photos, lying down, guarding, sleeping or chasing a leaf.

I’m writing this post to say goodbye to Kira, to try to convince me that she’s not here anymore, because every time I go out I still search for her in her favourite corners and in the evening I tiptoe to my bedroom not to wake her up, sleeping and snoring at the bottom of the stairs. She’s now in a better place where she can run again, bark at the full moon, chase lizards and try to bite flies and snowflakes.

I want to remember Kira just like she was, I want to put into words all the best memories, and treasure them forever. Messy and disheveled, a free spirit until she could run racing into the field, she was at the same time noble and proud when she sat like a sphinx to guard her property. She adored milk, yogurt and popsicles, not to mention the paper towels, especially when she could steal them from the table. Happy, playful and independent, she has been our dog for fifteen years. Thank you for all the love you gave us!

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Comments (12)

  1. I am ever so sorry for your loss. Animals play such an important role in our life…

    She was a real beauty.



  2. E’ tristissimo! Mi ricordo benissimo di Kira: quando sono venuta al “Fettunta party”, tempo fa, all’inizio ero un po’ spaventata che tu avessi un cane, ma Kira si era rivelata subito buona, paziente e discreta.
    Mi spiace…
    Un abbraccio!

  3. So sorry for your loss. Our pets are our best friends and all they give is unconditional love.
    Not that a plant can replace Kira but when a friend of mine lost her dog she planted a perennial plant in his name and every year when it flowers it gives her good memories of her old friend.
    I am sure you have heard of Rainbow Bridge. It is a poem about where our animal friends go when they leave us. It may give some comfort.
    Again so sorry…

  4. It’s so sad when they’re gone. Try to remember all the happy times in the 15 years you had her. This reminds me of my first dog Jake who we had for 12 years. There are really no words to help ease your sorrow – simply sorry for your loss.

  5. Hugs dear.. I have lost dogs before and no matter how many times, it doesn’t matter.. It’s like losing a part of you…Memories stay, the pain goes away….

  6. So sad to hear of Kira’s death. It sounds as though she was a wonderful dog. The loss of animals who are friends is hard to bear. Bon courage.

  7. Some day she will be one of the first to meet you and greet you, because all good friends eventually meet again…

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