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Cinderella is no mach for me. My trousers and my T-shirt are now fifty shades of black – fashionable, no doubt about it – and my Christmas sets have as a background a countryside that seems to be blooming in the peak of spring, so bright and fresh green. The wild herbs grow like if it were April and my grandmother adventures back along our country road forgaing for terrarepoli and tender radicchio. I run, run, run. It is not my workout, it is just that I am always on a run (imagine Bruce Springsteen’s Born to run, then me on a sunny Autumn days running like a madman). Though I also started pilates, and I like a lot, it makes me feel light.

I beg you pardon if I can not respond to your comments, emails and messages on Facebook with a contemporary sense of timing. My times belong to the years when the mail was delivered with the diligences, at least it is a poetic excuse… But we are almost at the end – even my energy is running low – and the book now has a layout that I like and that truly belongs to my world and essence.

I just wanted to thank you for your patience and support … every time I come here I boost my energy, and come back full of motivation to my computer, into the kitchen or behind the camera. I would just have the time to thank you one by one, and answer your comments as you deserve, because I do not know if you realized it, but you are truly important to me.

I want also to keep you in good health, especially now that the cold weather comes. A glass of pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and E. The pomegranate is a tree sacred to Juno and Venus, a symbol of fertility and abundance. It is also a symbol of friendship: three of my closest friends – Federica, Simona and Chiara – this summer decided to make me a surprise and visit me for my birthday. When they told me that they needed a hand to get the gift out of the car, gift that was sitting in the front seat, I thought that I had been given my charming prince with a bow on his head… tiredness plays tricks. It was a beautiful pomegranate tree.

Scatter the pomegranate seeds on a salad, squeeze the juice or even freeze it in ice bags for the winter, to fight the cold and the red nose. If you want something sweet and refined just add a few tablespoons of organic plain yogurt in a small glass, top with a thin layer of date syrup to sweeten the yogurt naturally and finish with a shower of pomegranate seeds.

Now it’s time to get back to my Christmas set, but I want to wish you a Merry Christmas, uhm I mean, a very good weekend. If you happen to be in the countryside, search a pomegranate tree and have fun to deseed it: you can eat the tiny ruby red jewels just like popcorns on your couch during the Saturday movie night.

The greyish napkins of the first picture come directly from Urbanara, I really love their style and philosophy.

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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Good luck with the final stages of the book, Guilia! I am so envious of the pomegranate tree (what lovely friends you have)! It’s getting close to the first snow here. 🙂 This time I always head to the supermarket to buy pomegranates though – they’ve always been a favourite and a special treat.

  2. I love pomegranates! I ate a whole one yesterday over the kitchen sink. I am a pilates teacher in Toronto so I am glad you are liking your pilates class 😀

  3. That looks great! Would love to have a tree like that in my yard. LOL! We’ll be in Italy soon, and we always look forward to the Fall and Winter foods. So tasty!


  4. In India we get pomegranates almost all round the year, I use it a lot in my cooking….and it tastes great when paired with yogurt!

  5. Love pomegranates! I’m inspired to plant a tree here in California. But, where did you get those great ice bags? I freeze fresh lemon juice in ice trays, then bag them, but the ice bags you show in the photo look like they would work even better.

  6. Jul’s I love Pom and I am so glad they started showing up in the grocery here in Cleveland 🙂 You pics are stunning as always…

  7. Now that is what I call a present. I keep finding myself here these days (via Emiko) and I am so enjoying reading and learning from you. I am also looking forward to your book. Lovely as usual.

    1. Hi Rach, thank you very much. I do adore Emiko’s blog, so I am really honoured you like muy blog as well! The book is almost ready, end of the month should be the due date! 🙂

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