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October’s link love. What I’m bringing with me.

October, thirty days which flew by so quickly, in between apple cakes, baked butternut squash and a steaming cup of tea in the afternoon while working on one of my many projects. Here in Tuscany we had sunny days out of a timeless summer and freezing foggy mornings which were a tangible anticipation of November. It has been a productive month, crammed with recipes cooked and savoured, dear friends met after long time and many interesting articles bookmarked to be read later, when you call it a day, wrapped in a comfortable blanket. These are just a few of the mind-opening ideas I’ve stumbled upon in October.

Mele - Apples

This article which will give you six ctips for waking up early and enjoy the first hours of they day.

When cooking invest time or work, not both by Mark Bittman for the New York Times, which inspired me two soups recipes for Citrosodina. Brilliant.

Butternut squash, in each recipe I tried in these weeks.

Speaking of squash, Pane & burro’s recipe for crocchette di zucca e robiola, butternut squash and cheese croquettes.

From the Huffington post, a guide to order a delicious salad every time.

An infographic which shows you how to cook with every spice in your cupboard.

My hazelnut coated sardines, gluten free, made for Pomì. The warmth of the hot tomato sauce is worth the whole recipe.

A mind opening article from the MADfeed on all the ways to write a recipe.

This French brioche well explained by Teresa.

My chicory coffee. I’m not allowed to have coffee in these days as I am in a detox diet, so I discovered how comforting a steaming cup of chicory coffee can be, especially when it’s so cold outside.

14 absolutely free ways to improve your cooking, from The Kitchn.

This is a real celebration, a must read, Elevating dinner for one.

Two days spent at Casta Diva Resort & Spa, real luxury, but also a crisp morning at the farmers’ market in Greve in Chianti. ut we will talk about this soon…

And what about you? What did you bring home in October? which recipes, books and movies inspired and surprised you?

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