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[Photo Recipe] Oven roasted tomatoes

Thanks for your fabulous feedback on the pomarola sauce post. It opened an interesting debate on Italian food and why foreigners appreciate it so much: authenticity, quality, respect of nature and traditions. All these aspects can be found in this photo recipe.

Yes, a photo recipe, because you just have to look at the picture to steal the idea and make it again right away, playing on the match of flavours and fragrances. And obviously tomatoes again, since we are just in the middle of the week completely dedicated to the sun ripened tomatoes.

This is not a stylistic and perfect dish, but it has that rustic and improvised character that puts everyone at ease and makes every lunch or dinner a special occasion, whether served as an appetizer or as a side dish, with a roasted pork, for example.

Oven roasted tomatoes

Giulia Scarpaleggia
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Servings 0


  • ripe round tomatoes
  • sliced ​​cheese, like scamorza, an Italian smoked cheese, the most suitable, but also halloumi, Tomino or mozzarella
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • herbs, basil, thyme, chives ...
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  • Preheat oven to 170°C.
  • Wash and slice the tomatoes.
  • Cut the cheese into thick slices and make small towers alternating tomatoes and cheese.
  • Season each layer with salt and freshly ground black pepper, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and fresh herbs.
  • Stick a toothpick or a sprig of thyme in the middle of each tomato to prevent the stacks from collapsing during the cooking in the oven.
  • Bake the tomatoes in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes or until the cheese has melted and the tomato flesh is well cooked.
  • Serve the tomatoes with the delicious cheese sauce they made.


A tip: arrange the tomatoes one next to the other in a small baking pan. This will also prevent the tomatoes from collapsing.
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Comments (28)

  1. So scrumptious looking! You made me hungry… Now, I’m craving your dish!

    Amazing pictures!



  2. Sylvie and I discussed about the abundance of tomatoes and more than a few tomato soups featured in the world of food blogs right now. Your baked tomatoes are refreshing to see, especially with layers of cheese.

    1. oh, so I’m into the right wave of ideas with my tomato week! we have so many traditional dishes based on ripe tomatoes in Tuscany, even one of my favourite ones, pappa al pomodoro!

  3. Apparently as a kid my mom could only make me eat tomatoes and taleggio…. Now I eat everything, but tomatoes and cheese are still among my favorite dishes!

  4. I love oven-roasted tomatoes. They have incredible intensity of flavor. Chopped up, they make a great condimento for pasta! I’ve never had them with cheese, however. Will have to try this!

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