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A wordless Tuscan weekend

If you see me now, I have John Wayne’s femininity and charm. I walk with that cow-boy-like walk, staggering, holding my back with one hand and leaning on whatever support I find with the other one. The reason for this behaviour is a horse. And no, I wasn’t trampled by the horse, and I wasn’t neither unseated … I just had a wonderful ride around San Gimignano, one hour of walk, 3 minutes to trot. The result is this crooked walk. My athleticism is well-known, though, so no worries!

After the walk through the Tuscan vineyards and woods, made in the farm Il Vecchio Maneggio, we moved to the Fattoria Poggio Alloro.

The following photos were all taken in Poggio Alloro: at first I thought I would have brought my camera on the horseback as well, but after a careful consideration with Emiko about our respective riding abilities, we decided to leave it in the car. A wisest decision has never been taken before, I thought bouncing unseemly on the horse and holding on with all the hands that I had (I still have two hands, but if I had a third one, I would have used that as well!)

Fattoria Poggio Alloro is an enchanted place, a true and real farm, with real people working every day with passion and enthusiasm. It’s an organic farm, with quality products as wine, olive oil, cereals, saffron and honey. They have the Cinta Senese (a local swine breed well-known for the tasty meat, used for cured meat) and the majestic Chianina breed, the enormous white Tuscan cows.

The view of San Gimignano, my mum’s birthplace, is breathtaking … this is what you see from the terrace during lunch.

And here they are, the Chianina calves… calves, but they seem horses!

It is the newly born baby cow.

These are the cows bred for the milk, while the Chianina is bred for the renowned excellent meat. I love their placid eyes.

It is the funniest, a sweet baby cow.. isn’t it lovely?

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This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Lovely photos–and I don’t have to tell you I love seeing the chianine! Hope you are a little more recuperated by now πŸ˜‰

  2. I love your pictures and I’m sure you’ll be walking fine in no time. I lived in Sicily for 3 years and I just loved Tuscany. My favorite town in all of Italy was Assisi. Such a beautiful area – and the FOOD! There is nothing better…

    …thanks for the amazing post!

    1. Yes, I have my usual walk back now! Do you know I’ve never been to Assisi before? It’s one of my upcoming place to see, though! By the way, Sicily where? I DO LOVE Sicily and its food!

  3. You surely need that John Wayne’s femininity and charm to be part of this gorgeous scene. Love your humorous intro to such a beautiful post! Both your writing and the pictures are delightful.

    1. Reese, thank you so much for your point of you, hahah! you’re totally right πŸ˜€
      Actually a John Wayne is so much suitable to that scenery than a Audrey Hepburn character!

  4. I just recently found your blog and I am falling in loooove! I’ve never been to Italy, but I am Italian and I cannot wait to make some of your gorgeous recipes (:

  5. Everybody goes to Toscan despite of me.

    Ohhh I’d like to so much tp be with you there πŸ˜‰
    And eat these wonderful things!


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