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Happy Birthday Juls!

Today I’m 32! I never thought that my 31st year could be so crammed of surprises, news, travels and fun as it actually was. That is, 31: it is not 30, a round number, nor 33, a double and emblematic number. I did not put any trust in it, I have to admit it. I was wrong. I should have already understood that I have to leave it to Life, which knows perfectly where to go and how to make everything magical.

I love to keep here the memories of all my birthday cakes and of these special days, because every year I try to find the cake that represents me and this moment at its best, as to be able, in the future, to perfectly remember my feelings and emotions and taste in my mind the flavour of the cake.

This year is a New York cheesecake, soft, silky, sweet as vanilla and fresh as lemon. It is the cake of my thirty-second birthday, and I am sure that this is a flavour I will never forget. Have a good weekend everyone!

You can find a short video of the recipe I made for Bistefani here.

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Comments (24)

  1. For the third time today HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
    You always learn me to believe in my years, that something special will happen now when I am 30. I admire you optimism and spirit and your courage to keep dreaming.
    What a lovely cake and an even more lovely video! I watched the other ones too, very sweet xxx

  2. Felicidades! Tanti Auguri!
    Giulia ormai ho perso il conto da quando ti seguo…in silenzo,ma oggi volevo farmi sentire,un giorno cosi speciale! Grazie di cuore per tutto il lavoro che fai! Sei fantastica, mi fai sognare,viaggiare,sentire, assaporare..le tuo foto sono di una belleza unica…
    Scusa il mio Italiano,lo spagnolo è la mia prima lingua.
    Un gran abrazo desde Livorno.
    Happy Birthday Juls! =)
    …saro qui ad aspettare un altro post!

  3. What a nice thing to do, collect birthday cakes! May this year be also filled with wonderful surprises, satisfying successes and good memories. Sending big hugs your way, cara! xx

  4. A very Happy Birthday to you,indeed! Wishing you continued success with your cooking ventures and wonderful posts!The cheesecake is lovely~a cpmpliment to the NY Cheesecake!

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Juls!!! :))) What a gorgeous cake to celebrate with! And very clairvoyant perhaps?! 😉

  6. I need to try this recipe – maybe for my birthday too, when I’ll be joining the 30’s club 🙂 A bit late after my summer break from online stuff, I send you lots of birthday hugs!!

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