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5° World Bread Day – No Knead Bread with Fleur de Sel de Camargue 3 Poivres

Did I waste it?
Not so much I couldn’t taste it
Life should be fragrant
Rooftop to the basement

U2 – Kite

It’s the first time I take part to the World Bread Day, 5th edition this year. Why this year? first of all because eventually I had the courage to do it, and secondly because it was a such a long time I wanted to make the No Knead Bread and finally I had the proper cast iron pan! And then there’s another simple reason, written into U2’s song, Kite, mentioned above… Life Should Be fragrant, just like bread, I might add!

Fresh, crunchy, but at the same time soft and fragrant, a daily pleasure, not pretentious, special but for everyone. In short, life is like bread, fragrant!


The recipe is THE classic recipe, the famous one for No Knead Bread of the 2006 New York Times. Making it, I slightly changed the quantities of ingredients, so now it is my own version of No Knead Bread, enriched by the Fleur de Sel de Camargue 3 Poivres. I bought this salt this year in Camargue, a wonderful salt with black pepper, coriander seeds and the 5 baies melange, that it again black pepper, white pepper, green pepper, pink pepper and Jamaica pepper. An explosion of color and scent, wonderful!


  • Manitoba flour, 500 g
  • wheat germ, 2 tablespoons
  • brewer’s yeast, 3 g
  • fleur de sel de Camargue, 1 tablespoon
  • warm water, 400 ml
  • a mix of different flours, as Manitoba flour, corn flour and fleur de sel de Camargue to dust the dough

The process is very simple.

  1. Crush fleur de sel de Camargue in a mortar. Dissolve yeast in warm water then stir quickly into the flour, salt and wheat germ. It will be a sticky and ugly to be seen dough, cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest for about 18 hours in a warm place.
  2. After 18 hours, dough is ready when its surface is dotted with bubbles, doubled in volume. Flour a working surface and place the dough on it. With floured hands, fold it over on itself once or twice. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest about 15 minutes. Flour generously a cotton towel with a mix of white flour, corn flour and fleur de sel, put dough seam side down on towel and dust with more flour, cover with another towel and let it rest another 2 hours.
  3. Preheat oven to 220°C, and about half an hour before baking the bread, put a covered cast iron pot in oven as it heats. When dough is ready, carefully remove pot from oven. Slide your hand under towel and turn dough over into pot.
  4. Cover with lid and cook for 30 minutes, then remove the lid and cook for another 15 minutes, until bread is golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack.

Tasting test. I congratulated myself on this bread, a bread that tastes like bread, which looks like a loaf of bread and it smells terribly fragrant. A bread that is how life should be, crunchy yet soft, with a strong smell of pepper that takes you on a ship full of spices back from India. The perfect complement? A slice of pecorino cheese, a quick and satisfying meal!

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Comments (10)

  1. Ma sai che la tua amica non l’ha mai fatto?!
    È che io con i lievitati ci vado con i piedi di piombo… Temo sempre risultati immangiabili. Immagino scene apocalittiche in cui il mio panino, se tirato in testa a qualcuno, possa diventare un’arma di distruzione di massa…
    Buon sabato tesoro!

  2. @ Happy Cook: thank you!
    @ Rosa: it is absolutely perfect with cheese, I admit, even if on a diet I couldn’t resist a slice of bread with cheese, so heavenly!
    @ Caro: anche io, sai come sono imbranata, ma questo è a prova di imbranato, davvero, riesce per forza! Ne ho fatto anche un altro, che presto posterò, e viene sempre, basta seguire le indicazioni!

  3. Bellissimo questo pane! Anche io non ho ancora avuto il coraggio di partecipare al World Bread Day…cerchero’ di trovare il coraggio l’anno prossimo!

  4. Your bread turned out beautifully. I too discovered this wonderful recipe from the Sullivan Street Bakery thanks to the New York Times, and have been making it on a regular basis. I love the simplicity of the recipe. It’s also a great basic recipe for making whole wheat bread.

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