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London: a new perspective

A different perspective on London, the one that friendly eyes can give you when they guide you, host you and let you experience the city as a town dweller: backyards where you can enjoy a relaxing breakfast under a shy early April sun, food markets, because you’re a foodie inside, a river view of the city from the Thames, covered by splashes.

London is the right city where you can improvise a self-taught photography workshop and have Sari to teach you how to control light and Tiina to dispense you useful tips of fresh Scandi food style.

London, that once again leaves me speechless. London, that once again is best told by pictures!

  • Where: Greenwich Market –
  • When: Saturdays and Sundays 10 am – 5.30 pm. You can enjoy the market during other days, just check here.
  • What: food-to-go, art and craft, fresh produce (from Polish to Japanese, from Caribbean to Spanish)

I know, I know… you have surely noticed my focus in these pictures, haven’t you? Just a pure and great interest in paella! 😛

  • Where: Borough Market –
  • When: Thursdays 11 am – 5 pm, Fridays 12 pm – 6 pm, Saturdays 8 am – 5 pm
  • What: food, with any meaning, variation, nuance and background

Just 50 hours in London, but we managed to find time to cook as well (and when a foodblogger cooks, it means choose the right ingredients, cook it and talk about it, style it and take a picture of it, then you can finally eat what you have cooked). The opening picture is stewed rhubarb* with red wine and vanilla, recipe from What Katie Ate. As regard the pesto, here it is!

Wild garlic leaves pesto


  • a bunch of wild garlic leaves
  • pine nuts
  • Maldon salt
  • extravirgin olive oil


  1. Put the wild garlic leaves, pine nuts and salt in the mortar
  2. Crush all the ingredients
  3. At the end, add a generous deal of extravirgin olive oil to emulsify the pesto
  4. When you come to dress the pasta, add some fresh ricotta and stir

* For the record, I fell in love with rhubarb. I couldn’t help it: English, red… just like my ideal man.. ehm, fresh produce!

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Comments (15)

  1. Awesome! It looks like you had a great time together.

    That pesto is delightful! I love ramsons.



  2. London’s a great place to visit – I wasn’t so keen on it when I lived there but maybe it was just the job I hated. Envious of everyone cooking with rhubarb at the moment – it is a most fabulous ingredient. Your pics are great. Vibrant, happy, full of life.

  3. @ Rosa: it was my first pesto of that kind, I totally loved it!
    @ Sally: you’re right! I can say it’s a great place to visit, but I love the countryside, where I feel at home… I would live half there, half here, it would be my ideal life!
    @ Karin: YAY!!! can’t wait!
    @ Zita: you’ll be soon part of these pictures as well!

  4. Gorgeous shots! I wish we had a market like this in our town, but alas it’s much too tiny. When we move to Portugal though there should be one similar that I’ve heard talked about. I hope it’s as awesome as this 😀

  5. Oh Juls, it’s was absolutely wonderful having you around for a couple of days! I had such a great time. I really wish you lived closer! I look forward to the next time we get together! Hugs! xx

    PS:Omg, I really don’t the myself at the group photo. I look like I ate something disgusting! 🙂 But I love your photos of London!

  6. @ Rochelle: Portugal?! WOW! Brilliant! where in Portugal?
    @ Sari: I have no words left to thank you, I just say I’m really counting down the days to London and our super brilliant extraordinary holiday together!

  7. Hi Juls,

    I’m a fellow food blogger in the U.S. and have recently visited Tuscany. I loooved it!

    My question though is about London. I’m heading out there this weekend and want to know if you have any restaurant musts that you can kindly pass on to a curious and adventurous foodie.

    Thanks for your help.

    Judith (aka The Foodista)

  8. Wonderful photos! I love visiting London, and that stewed rhubarb caught my eye right away. I’m anxiously awaiting its arrival in Canada!

  9. @ Judith: I’m so sorry I replied just now, so obviously you have already visited London! how was the city? thrilling as ever?
    @ Mary: I would love it to arrive in Tuscany as well!

  10. It’s been almost a year since I was last in London…I definitely need to get back there soon! I loved Borough Market but didn’t know about the Greenwich one… looking forward to checking that out next time!

  11. The wild garlic pesto recipe drew me here from Pinterest – I’m going to be posting about it next week – highly recommended!

    I’m also very drawn to your blog in general and going to keep following it – I’m a huge fan of Tuscany and cooking!

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