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My 7 links projects: leafing through my on line life

I told you last week that I’ve been leafing through my old recipes trying to catch the passage of time and to size the beauty of changing. Well, this was one of the reasons that made me read through more than 2 years and a half of recipes, laughing at some old posts and living again some of the emotions that led me to specific dishes, mirror of a period of my life.

The second reason is that Mayssam from Will travel for food invited my to take part to My 7-links project, an interesting and fun game that it’s spreading into the international blogosphere. Do you know Mayssam? I really loved her speech at this year FoodBloggerConnect: honest, down to earth, precise and brilliant.

So, this is what I found…

My most beautiful post: Lemon and white Chocolate cake

This is the first time I tried to write something more than an introduction to a recipe. The words flowed liquid from my hands, it was a well depicted image in my mind well before I tried put it into words clearly. I touched the magic of the recipe while decorating the simple cake with the most beautiful ruby red fruits of the early summer. Can’t help this: the cake was beautiful and every time I look back at the photo I love it more and more!

My most popular post: Olive oil cookies and some notes on the use of olive oil in confectionery

This is one of the most viewed posts, both in Italian and in English. I can well believe it, it is all due to the crystal clear explanations of Luca Montersino, one of the most brilliant and innovative Italian pastry chefs. Simple, clever and unbelievable good recipe for healthy and fragrant cookies, if you missed it don’t lose the chance to save it now.

My most controversial post: Florentine panino al lampredotto

Yes, controversial. Yes, offal. How can it not be controversial? Either you love it or not, it’s traditional, it’s highly Florentine, it’s our typical street food, it’s part of our culture, it’s the panino al lampredotto. Give it a try and, when in Florence, eat like a Florentine.

My most helpful post: La pomarola, the Italian tomato sauce

Ok, I don’t know if it was helpful for you, but indeed it was helpful for me. I had lots of ripe tomatoes, I was alone at home and the tomato week was my excuse to try all the family recipes for tomato preserve and tomato sauce. And if you want to please me, tell me it was somehow useful for you as well!

A post whose success surprised me: Tuscan summer and zucchini with fresh garlic and oregano

Are you kidding? Zucchini, garlic, oregano. Just green and crisp zucchini, fresh garlic and aromatic leaves of oregano picked from the pot. It was just a side dish, yet you loved it. I was so surprised and happy, but at a second look, no wander it was so appreciated: it was the perfect side dish for a summer evening.

A post I feel didn’t get the attention it deserved: Chocolate and tahini tart

It was genius, com’on, pure and sheer genius! I’m speaking mostly about my Italian blog, where the recipe came out almost unseen. It’s an appreciated combination abroad, but almost unknown in Italy. I was so excited the first time I tasted it, closing my eyes in delight and foreseen how the chocolate – tahini tart would have turned everyone into faithful worshipper of the combination and.. nothing. So, please, just tell me this is just one of the most lavish chocolate tart you have ever seen.

The post that I am most proud of: My big fat Italian meat sauce

This is the first recipe I cooked on New year’s day, a traditional family recipe told step by step by my grandmother, sitting in the kitchen and living again many years of her life through memories and laughs. I am really proud of this recipe, because in many many years I’ll be sitting on a kitchen telling my grandchild how to make the perfect ragu.

These are the bloggers that I’ve chosen to continue this food chain. I love each blogger and blog for many a reason, but essentially I feel we are very similar and I love their honest and enthusiastic love for food. This is your turn, girls!

P.S. speaking about things you are proud of, really proud of, here my article on Jamie Oliver web site, Craving for London.
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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Rosa’s right that chocolate tart definitely deserves more attention!
    Lovely to see so many posts together, they all look delicious!!!
    Beautiful pictures!
    I am very hungry now !!!
    I hope to find some time to finish my 7 links project 😉

  2. What a lovely sum up of some of your best posts, Giulia, I’m honoured to be part of this game, though I have big shoes to fill! 🙂

  3. These are all gorgeous, you consistently publish stuff of a truly high standard. Lovely memories looking at some of these again – I especially remember the olive oil cookies.

  4. The 7 links is a great way for use foodies to get a glimpse of some of your wonderful posts that we have missed. There are a few here in which I have saved the recipe. Also, you blog in general has a delicious variety!

  5. What an excellent post Juls. I’ve been reading through your blog and enjoying every minute of it.

    I really like your writing style and your pics are second to none.

    Keep up the great work. I’ve bookmarked. I don’t want to miss any posts. 🙂

  6. Thanks for the nominee darling!! Even if I asked for.. I’ve already done my list, take a look at my blog!! I’ve spent the entire afternoon figuring out which one was the most beautiful post…
    As I told you the post on how to use olive oil for confectionery has been very useful for me! 🙂

  7. I don’t know how I missed this post. The recipes are gorgeous as ever but bravo for the look of this round up….so clever. I presume you are a complete whizz at photoshop!

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